We ask that completed referrals are emailed to either Cheryl or Jenni depending on location. This will enable us to make contact with the person as soon as possible.
Befriending Coordinator East Northants and Wellingborough:
cheryl.smith@serve.org.uk | Telephone: 07764 560863
For Kettering & Corby please contact:
jonathan.cook@serve.org.uk | Telephone: 01933 315555
So we can prioritise, please state in full the reason for referral and make sure the referred person has given consent to share information with SERVE Befriending Service.
Our referral form can be downloaded below
SERVE are working with Integrated Care Northamptonshire to deliver Befriending Support to Vulnerable Adults across the whole county.
Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across the NHS, local councils, voluntary and community organisations, and other partners.
For referrals in West Northamptonshire (Face to face and telephone befriending), Group Befriending East Northants North and Corby and Community Responders Project (Volunteers) please see the appropriate partner service below and click the Find Out More link:
Daventry Volunteer Centre's Happy at Home project delivers befriending in Daventry and South Northants
Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire's Happy at Home project delivers befriending in Northampton, NN1 - NN5
Northamptonshire Carers offers a befriending sitting service to support informal carers
Volunteer Action offer group befriending sessions across North East Northants and Corby
Age UK Northamptonshire have partnered with SERVE to offer the Community Responders Project. This service aims to provide company, reassurance and low level support to an older vulnerable person in their own home when a delay is anticipated for Primary or Secondary care support.
Our befriending service in North Northamptonshire addresses the issue of loneliness and isolation among individuals aged 65 and older.
Through referrals from various sectors, we connect volunteer befrienders with older people who do not have a support network. This service aims to enable older individuals to continue living independently in their homes. The impact of befriending is substantial, fostering supportive relationships and significantly reducing feelings of isolation.
Our volunteers commit to long-term support, making weekly visits to build friendships, offer assistance, and alleviate social isolation. The matching process considers individual interests, skills, and experiences to create meaningful connections and enhance the overall wellbeing of older residents.
Welcome to SERVE's Befriending Service – where connections matter, and friendships thrive! As proud members of Befriending Networks, we celebrate our commitment to a shared vision: envisioning a society that truly values befriending, recognises its profound importance, and extends befriending support to those in need.
At SERVE, we understand the significance of fostering human connections and believe in the power of companionship to enhance the lives of individuals. By aligning ourselves with Befriending Networks, we not only gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience but also contribute to a larger movement that strives to make befriending support accessible to everyone.
Join us in celebrating our membership with Befriending Networks as we work together towards building a society that values, recognises, and provides the essential support of befriending to those who can benefit from it. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals, combating social isolation and loneliness through the power of friendship.
By completing the application form, you give your consent to SERVE to process the data supplied for the purpose of recruitment and selection. SERVE will protect all information in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation including the Data Protection Act 2018.
All data will be held securely and confidentially and will only be accessed by authorised individuals.
As part of the delivery of befriending, we are now providing the digital life stories person focussed project for people aged 65+ which we aim to help people express themselves by encouraging them to tell their stories in a way that collects their thoughts, memories, images and videos together in one place.
A digital life story book, specially designed for ease of use and recording what is important to you. Create books, add photos and share with family or friends. It includes a “This is Me” area where you can include information that is important to you, like your routine, physical health or how you take your tea. Everything in your book is kept securely and shared only with the people you choose. We want to be advocates to enable people to share their wealth of knowledge and information to help connect them with their community.
If you work within Age Well Teams, Social Prescribing or part of the wider Befriending Service, you can make a referral for someone who would be interested in creating their digital life story. Referral form provided below.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the life stories project, you can download a role description and application form below or contact:
Working in partnership with Integrated Care Northamptonshire and VerseOne.
Volunteer Ambassador Video
Over the past 12 months, the Countywide Befriending Service has come together drawing on the strengths, place-based knowledge, and quality of service across the partners.
Serve is working with Integrated Care Northamptonshire (formerly Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership) to lead and deliver Befriending Support to Vulnerable Adults across the whole county. We are working in partnership with Daventry Volunteer Centre, Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire, and Northamptonshire Carers to upscale befriending as part of Integrated Care Across Northamptonshire.
The befriending service countywide functions as a key service to support locality-based services, forming a service model that tackles isolation for older people.
The first annual review I hope will help capture key outputs and outcomes that show the journey of challenge, change and celebrate achievements.
You can download a copy of the review below.
Befriending Service Review 2021-22 (pdf)